Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Neo (Keanu Reaves) : I cannot lose you..

Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) : You're not goin to lose me. You feel this..? (Takes his hand). I'm never letting go.

(Quote from the movie Matrix Reloaded-2003)

Schweppes Short Film Festival

Schweppes (the fizzy drinks maker) has their own short film festival on the web. The above short film is called 'Signs'...is one of the most original and touching short film that I've seen thus far.

Wanna know why Schweppes came up with this..? Well, Schweppes is brand repositioning their soft drinks market to target mature adults.

Wanna see all the 5 films...it is HERE on their official website. If you noticed, all films need to showcase the 'Schh moment'...

What moment..?? See for yourself ;-)