Since my maid ran away 4 months ago and I started making my own coffee. The first thing that I noticed was the sub-standard nescafe my indonesian maid made for me for breakfast. Actually I knew it was bad, I was just too lazy to do it myself.
Paying close attention to Starbucks barristas (a fancy term for the person making the coffee for you), I found out that I was able to copy the making of Cafe Latte without the use of the expensive expresso maker, so I can have a Venti Cafe Latte at home minus the bill.
Ok..since almost nobody here grinds their own coffee beans and use instant coffee, I recommend you use Nescafe Gold. Why..? Because the coffee taste smoother and not made here with cheap coffee beans, that why. Alternatively, you can use the many types of grinded coffee beans you can find in the supermarket. And cannot use old town coffee for this, nor kopi cap kapal laut because it will taste different. Why...? Probably because of the way they ferment and roast it.
First step since you do not have the milk steamer, use the microwave to heat your milk. Use normal fresh milk or in my case, the easier Dutch Lady fresh milk in milk cartoon. Starbucks use this too. Since the milk is ultra high temperature treated, you do not have to store the unopened milk in the fridge. Once opened you have to keep it in the fridge for storage. Heat the milk on high temperature in a mug for 2 minutes. In Starbucks they use a steamer to heat the milk till it is froothy and hot. The milk should be near boiling when this is done. Milk cannot be lukewarm for this.
After stirring, quickly pour the expresso into the hot milk and stir vigorously. In Starbucks, the steamer will cause the milk to foam, here we do not get the foam. I tell people that Italians drink cafe latte without foam so this recepi is for italian cafe latte I guess ;-)
They have foam so that they can put some latte designs know for aesthetic purposes.
Bon Appetite...