Thursday, April 30, 2009

Making Cafe Latte at home

Since my maid ran away 4 months ago and I started making my own coffee. The first thing that I noticed was the sub-standard nescafe my indonesian maid made for me for breakfast. Actually I knew it was bad, I was just too lazy to do it myself.

Paying close attention to Starbucks barristas (a fancy term for the person making the coffee for you), I found out that I was able to copy the making of Cafe Latte without the use of the expensive expresso maker, so I can have a Venti Cafe Latte at home minus the bill.

Ok..since almost nobody here grinds their own coffee beans and use instant coffee, I recommend you use Nescafe Gold. Why..? Because the coffee taste smoother and not made here with cheap coffee beans, that why. Alternatively, you can use the many types of grinded coffee beans you can find in the supermarket. And cannot use old town coffee for this, nor kopi cap kapal laut because it will taste different. Why...? Probably because of the way they ferment and roast it.

First step since you do not have the milk steamer, use the microwave to heat your milk. Use normal fresh milk or in my case, the easier Dutch Lady fresh milk in milk cartoon. Starbucks use this too. Since the milk is ultra high temperature treated, you do not have to store the unopened milk in the fridge. Once opened you have to keep it in the fridge for storage. Heat the milk on high temperature in a mug for 2 minutes. In Starbucks they use a steamer to heat the milk till it is froothy and hot. The milk should be near boiling when this is done. Milk cannot be lukewarm for this.

Next, preparation of the diluted coffee or expresso as the mat salleh called them. Put a heap of coffee (2 heaps if you need a double dose) in a glass cup and pour near boiling water into it. Coffee is best diluted in water around 95-98 degrees. Since I have a water pot which I set at 98 degrees, this is easily done by me. Stir it. Do not be stingy with the coffee or else your coffee will taste more milky than coffeeky. Do not add instant coffee directly into the hot milk mug because coffee needs to be dissolve in WATER for it to give out its flavour.

After stirring, quickly pour the expresso into the hot milk and stir vigorously. In Starbucks, the steamer will cause the milk to foam, here we do not get the foam. I tell people that Italians drink cafe latte without foam so this recepi is for italian cafe latte I guess ;-)
They have foam so that they can put some latte designs know for aesthetic purposes.

Your coffee is near completion. Just add sugar and if you have some cream on top of your coffee. have yourself a wonderful cup of Italian Cafe Latte. It is best served during breakfast to give you your morning dose of caffeine.

Bon Appetite...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Vigil

A call late evening, 2 days ago.

‘Tok Chik’ my wife stressed, ‘She is sick...very sick, you better come see her, tell your mom too’.

I called mom and together with my wife went to visit her a day later. I was feeling feverish from a day before but I had to go see my grandfather’s sister whom we affectionately called Tok Chik. We arrived at around 5pm to a semi large gathering of close relatives. My wife drove since she knew Shah Alam better than me. I owe her one.

After the customary handshakes and hand kissing, we proceeded into Tok Chik’s room. It’s downstairs near the living room. She lay with her eyes closed, the pillows and mattress propped up to support her semi upright position. She is sleeping, beside her on a pillow is a dark Hewlett Packard PDA on speakers playing Quranic verses, the sounds emanating from it seems to calm the nerves of the visitors especially me. I looked around her room; on her dresser I can see old pictures from bygone days and news paper clippings featuring her. I was attracted to a larger newspaper print in a DIY frame. It is about her and the Malaysian flag she helped made for our country independence. She was among the many prominent Johoreans whom helped Dato Onn Jaafar form UMNO and rally the Malay folks against Malayan Union. Tok Chik was a strong woman; she raised 5 of her kids almost single handedly after her husband passing. The matriarch before me is still strong at 82, the pain she is now enduring would make a grown up man like me crumble, that I am sure.

‘Tok’ my mom called out, ‘Tok Chik, nih Eton, Tok kenal lagi tak?’

She did not answer. I reached out to rub her hand, ‘Tok Chik’ I called. Her hands are cold probably from the air conditioning.

She opened her eyes briefly, she seems to acknowledge us and she went back to sleep. She is tired, we are told from the many visitors that come and go that day. L****, the second eldest daughter was with us the entire time. At 60 plus, she looks 40 and have the gusto of a 30 year old. All her daughters have that trait. They look younger than their age, outspoken, well educated, well travelled and looked upon themselves as equal if not better than their male counterparts. I have seen them dress down a male relative in a debate, you would want these girls on your side in an argument.

After that we adjourned to the living room for tea. As a normal custom in my family, there is a lot of food on the table, way too much food. I brought along lepat pisang, pisang goreng and a box of carrot cake from Secret Recepi. On the table there is pengat pisang, bread pudding, apom, cakes and fruits. The atmosphere in the room changed considerably. My wife started to serve me the bread pudding along with tea. She can read minds, I thought. The extra cream she put on my bread pudding confirmed the fact that she at least could read mine.

‘Mak dah cakap’ M****, the 3rd oldest daughter spoke in a joking tone ‘Mula-mula je sedih, nanti dah semua sedara mara datang, kecoh lah rumah’. M just came back from Perth where she works in the Malaysian Embassy. She told me that she is 57, but she looks a tad under 40.

None of them wore head coverings, like the many in my family which includes my 2 sisters but that hides the fact that these girls are religious and are competent in religion. They just don’t wear head covering because they don’t think it is necessary. They dress modestly and will tell you point blank that having a head covering does not make you a better Muslim and if you are smart, you better leave it at that. Many male relatives learned the hard way; I have no intention of making the same mistake.

B**, the 4th eldest was the host. She is a Professor and heads a campus for the preparations of students before the government sends them overseas to do medicine, engineering, business and other courses in UK, Germany, Middle East, India and Russia. She is also my wife’s big boss and at 52, she does not seem to be considering retirement. Joke around us is that she is an anak merdeka, she was born in 1957. Her mother was pregnant with her when she was sewing the merdeka flag and she was delivered about 42 days after Independence. These details were in the newspaper clippings in her mom’s room. Loud, boisterous and outspoken, she seems quiet today leaving her sisters to do most of the talking. I am not putting any money for this condition to continue however.

The conversation around the room spiral around plays (Les miserables, Cats), overseas trips, food stalls in Plaza Damas where they serve authentic Johorean mee rebus plus satay to the going ons in the family. It also went around religion.

‘I don’t understand nowadays why people say that it is prohibited to baca Yassin during visits and the practice to do 3 and 7 days of mourning’, one of the girls spoke ‘If cannot baca Yassin, what are we suppose to do then, just look around each other..?’ She continued ‘Anyway, I don’t understand their reasoning in these matters...whatever you call them’

‘Invention’ I spoke out ‘The people called these thing inventions because it was not done during the Prophet era’.

‘Yes’ my mom spoke out ‘but, we are not going against Islamic teachings by reading Yassin which is also from the Quran. People also criticized the kemenyan we burn with setanggi’

Kemenyan, is sort of an incense that Malays usually burn with setanggi which gives a nice smell. It is widely believed that setanggi will hide the smell of a corpse thus not subjecting the visitors to the smell of a dead body. The reason is a valid reason, but through time it has acquired a bad image through the bomoh and voo-doo practises which also uses kemenyan and setanggi. IMO, it is the same with perfumes, we use it to smell nice which is permitted. You can also use it to flaunt wealth, pick up men or other wrong factors which make it haram; it depends on your intention. Not everything is so clear cut. I remembered when I was studying years ago, the Muslim communities were so certain that perfumes are haram because it contains alcohol. Since I was chemistry major, I pointed out that even fruits contain alcohol but we can eat them so the reasoning that perfumes cannot be applied because it contains alcohol does not make sense. Alcohol for intoxification is wrong, not the alcohol itself. Alcohol is used since heydays to disinfect humans thus saving a great many lives, it is a noble substance. Muslim scholars would serve the community better by not commenting on issues they do not specialize in. It creates confusion.

The topic quickly changed to handbags, specifically Coach handbags. It seems that one of the sisters had a huge stash of handbags and purses she brought from the US where she is staying. My wife picked a cute purse and agreed to the price. I will be expected to contribute to the purchase, that I am sure and do willingly.

Conversations free flowed, guest intermingle like they know each other for years and food readily consumed. Everyone is truly relaxed. A few more visitors arrived, more handshakes and more food. My mom was busy taking M phone number in Australia; she planned to go there next October as according to M, it is spring then and the best time to travel. I met some nieces and nephews I have never seen in years. This is D’s daughter, someone said. The beautiful girl bent to kiss my hands, she looks older than 13, I retract before her lips met my hands like my late father usually do. Ohh, this is A, B’s daughter, someone else said, kiss your uncle’s hand. I just smile. Come over here I am told, meet your new nephews. On and on.

Soon it was time to leave. Before leaving, we bid Tok Chik goodbye. L was in the room completing the Asar prayers, M was next. Tok Chik was still sleeping, she looks strong. I am not surprised if she outlived some of her grandchildren. 2 children was playing outside, the younger one named Omar wore a Ben 10 shirt.

‘What do I call ‘I asked.

The kid looks perplexed.

‘Heat-Blast lah’ my wife corrected me, referring to many of Ben10 aliases. The kid smiled.

‘4 arms’ the kid said. ‘I wanna be 4 arms’.

Bye Tok, see you soon.

Friday, April 24, 2009

SMS di pagi jumaat

Reza : Yo friend..I got a 2o plus year old girl who wants to become my friend in facebook what do i do?

Friend : Jangan perasan le...she could be your forgotten niece

Reza : Youre right...I add her

Friend : Why do you think I have a family database in my pc for?

Reza : avoid incestual relationships?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Life imitating art...

Too much cartoon network..!

You did something to your hair, right..??

Tea or coffee..??

A mistake is to commit a misunderstanding - Bob Dylan

Son : Papa...what is sodomy..??

Me : What..!!

Son : Sodomy...what is it..??

Me : Where did you find the word..?? Is it from your friends..??

Son : No...from a magazine...

Me : What magazine..?? Spell the word for me...

Son : Sure...T-S-U-N-A-M-I

Monday, April 20, 2009

Suatu hari di kedai mamak

Mamak : Abang mau minum apa..?

Reza (gesturing to friend) : U nak minum ape..?

Kawan : Emm...teh tarik. Tapi kurang manis...

Reza : Macha...Satu teh tarik KURANG MANIS....dan satu teh tarik BIASA ...

Mamak (shouting to his staff) : THAMBY...DUA TEH TARIK MEJA 3..!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The great comeback Part 1

I was fiddling my handphone at 9am and sent an sms to my friend in JB

Reza : Wake up you lazy ass..

Member : Im in spore. U belum mandi pun. So whos the lazy ass then

Reza : Alone or with gf?

Member : Alone..

Reza : Im a lazy ass then and youre the LOSER.

Hehheh...check mate. Reza-1, member-0

Old people.

I love older men - Cameron Diaz

Reza : Nice Yamaha ker..? Don't know they have a new model...

My friend looked up at me incredulously, his eyes squinting. He looked pissed like I've insulted his mother or something...

Kawan : Excuse is a Taylor.

He pauses....a short pause. Aww great...there's more to come..

'Limited edition. Only unit in this goddamned country. Look at the serial number, its 237..only 350 is made. Rumour has it that Clapton has the number 3 and 15. U play any...?

'Skit-sikit boleh le.' I replied cheekily.

Kawan : Lemme see u play.

I take the guitar gently by the neck.

Emmm...spruce top, nice cutaway too for a full fingerboard access, unmistakable rosewood back. The top wood is probably aged for 25 years before being cut by the master maker....back wood probably 15 years if not more. Its not at all weird for a master guitar maker to use wood that is 'aged' by his father. Some are not lucky enough to see their aged wood go on to become finished products. Wood like wine...become better with time.

You see...wood is made of cellulose kept together by lignin. The fibers are very flexible and the orientation of this composite produces very different bending stiffness along and across the wood grain. Repeated bending would break some of the bonds in lignin, making it more flexible. Since different antinodes(parts that flex the most in the vibrating top wood) are 'excited' by the different frequencies, ultimately the best effect would be produced by vibrating the top with the notes that you plan to play. Cheap guitars has wood verniers or laminated wood top and the glue plus the laminate prevents the so called 'loosening' of the wood, dampening the wood ability to 'bend'. Thus, cheap guitars sound the same new or old. This guitar however will produce better acoustic and sound, the older it gets.

Looking further, I noticed the strong mahogany neck and nice pearl inlays for the fretboard, nowadays most fretboard inlays are cheap made in Taiwan plastic. This inlays takes time to set.

Nice weight for the instrument...not too light or too heavy.

Wait a minute. What the hell...?? There is a pick-up jack at the back for amps. They put electronics on this baby too..!! A fusion of old school and, very cool. I can imagine it being in the hands of Clapton himself. This baby isn't shy being in a room or on a stage.

Full satin glow finishing on the entire piece, doubt about it. I am holding a work of art. This baby in my hand screamed...I AM AN EXPENSIVE SONOFABITCH. This string instrument can feed a family of four in Africa for a year...nope...maybe 2 years. If you asked the shop how much is this probably couldn't afford it.

Kawan : U wanna play it or look at it..?

Reza : Ok..ok. I'm gonna play "Hotel California.."

Kawan : Gimme back my guitar...You're OLD.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Poor cat having to listen to my De Niro impersonation..

"You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Then who the hell else are you talkin' to? You talkin' to me? Well I'm the only one here. Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?"
(Movie quote, Taxi driver-1976)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Suatu petang di Starbucks

Suatu petang di Starbucks,

Seorang wanita sepi ,

Seorang duda menyendiri,

Sepasang couple melayari internet melupai pasangan sendiri,

Kalis pandang,

Wi-fi berkumandang,

Sebuah cinta kecundang,

Suatu petang di Starbuck,

Apakah pulak episodnya esok..

Damn...I really suck at this...

C'est La Vie

Kitty March : Who do you think you are? My guardian angel?
Millie Ray : Not me, honey. I lost those wings a long time ago.

(quote from the movie Scarlet Street - 1945)

I am leaving hockey for golf. If KJ can win UMNO youth after being found guilty...I can leave hockey and play what ever game I want to. Yes, even lawn bowling...or speed that even a sport..?

My friend calls me up when he heard the news...bad news travel fast.

Kawan : what..? You mean you are leaving hockey for lame is golf. Only orang tua main golf. Damn it...what about the cool Gryphon stick you bought from Vik..? Fuck have new gloves..

Damn it...not at 11 am. I just arrived at the office...haven’t had breakfast..and not in any mood to discuss about something I decided 2 weeks ago. I need a cigarette...and I don’t even smoke. This is bad...

‘Aku malas le. Aku dah berumur...aku tak nak torn ligament...lagipun koorang main tengahari sangat...aku nak something yang relaxing skit. Lagipun anak aku pun dah ade golf set...’

This is when my friend went ballistic...

Kawan : Apa...anak kau pun dah ade golf set...??? Sapa beli...?

‘Bapa mentua....’

Kawan : Heii...mana ade budak Malaysia terer main golf..?? Mana...mana..? Hoki kita ranking top 10 tau dalam dunia...

So that was it. Time for me to embrace change.

Either that or I am getting old...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Neo (Keanu Reaves) : I cannot lose you..

Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) : You're not goin to lose me. You feel this..? (Takes his hand). I'm never letting go.

(Quote from the movie Matrix Reloaded-2003)

Schweppes Short Film Festival

Schweppes (the fizzy drinks maker) has their own short film festival on the web. The above short film is called 'Signs' one of the most original and touching short film that I've seen thus far.

Wanna know why Schweppes came up with this..? Well, Schweppes is brand repositioning their soft drinks market to target mature adults.

Wanna see all the 5 is HERE on their official website. If you noticed, all films need to showcase the 'Schh moment'...

What moment..?? See for yourself ;-)