Thursday, January 20, 2011

Running (Part 1) with Nike+ Sportsband

Well I have officially entered a HALF Marathon...yipey..!!

It's been slated on the 16th April 2011 and that gives me roughly 3 months to train from my regular 6km to 21km....foolhardy??

YOU BET MY ASS..!! :-)

What about celebrating the event and buy a new sports gadget..?? Well, OK.

So Ladies and gentlemen, I got myself a Nike+ (pronounced as Nike plus) sportsband. It can track your current run mileage, calories burnt, time (Duhh..!!) and your cumulative weekly mileage.

It looks like this..

The sportsband came with a Nike+ sensor which you MUST put into a Nike+ compatible running shoes (easy to distinguish from other Nike shoes with a Nike+ logo at the bottom of the shoe).

What's the big deal, I heard someone asking about Nike+ shoes? Well, the big deal about Nike+ shoes is the fact that underneath the foot padding, there is a compartment to insert the sports sensor.

I show you a picture of it below (the model hand belongs to yours truly)..

Well, you could technically put the sensor on any shoes but it wouldn't look concealed thus would look very uncool (now we don't want that do we..??)

Ok, so we hv a sportsband, a sensor and a very cool Nike+ shoes...then what..??

Well, you hv to pair both the sportsband and the sensor (like you pair a brand new bluetooth handsfree to your handphone) so both of it can communicate.

I had problems with mine but manage to solve it last night after looking for answers in the Nike+ forum.

Then you have to set your account with Nike+ on their website here:

You set an account BECAUSE you can then have your running statistics, make runner friends (there are millions of them and hundreds of Malaysians), hv motivational forums and competitions PLUS get help in running 5km, 10km, a half marathon (this is for me) and a marathon designed with the help of world class coaches.

I have set up my account and had already started a training programme to prepare for my 21km run in April.

Wanna see it..?? Ok..ok...hold on to your pantyhose ok..

It involves running slow from a start of 6.4km slowly up to around 12km in a few weeks and slowly up to 19km closer to the race date. The programme I chose is for a beginner, if you chose a tougher one like intermediate 1 or 2 or above it will be a lot tougher.

Here's a look on the first weekly run programme...below it is the graph for all the 3 months up to the race day.

This is all theoretical ok...I have not tested the sportsband yet and hope to do it today since I had a bad case of flu and fever for two days already.

Luckily for me my coach programme will start on the 24th Jan. I will try to run today, upload it and show you people how's it done.

Until then, stay tough and cool.

If it doesnt kill you, it only makes you stronger:-)

Welcome 2011

Its been soo long since I updated my blog, if its not linked to my gmail account I would have forgotten the password already :-)

I feel that I have kindda evolve from the young and naive fella that created this blog 2 years ago. So what do we talk about in the New Year..?? Resolutions maybe..?

Well, my resolution for this year among others are...I won't write it all here

1) Learning to cook a few main dishes. (yes...COOK!)

2) Compete in a half marathon - Truth be told, I have been running casually since I was in school, nothing too far just about 4-5km just to keep fit and even in the gym (I normally go twice a week), I would make it a habit to warm up on the threadmill before I do my weights.

My aha-moment (inspirational moment) is when I watched a series of second-acts videos about late bloomers whom found their calling late into their 40-60s and STARTED to do something about it.

Here's one , I hope you get motivated too..

It's about Donald Arthur whom has a heart transplant (he was just given a few months to live).

He beat the odds and now regularly run marathons...imagine that..!!

What's your New Year's resolution..??

Make it small but life changing..