Friday, October 10, 2008

Mat Rempit(18SX)–work in progress(part 1)

Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present.- Marcus Aurelius

Black, hollow and red eyes…

 It’s the eyes that stared back at me through my rear view mirror. That empty look…devoid of any emotions except of hate…PURE HATRED. It made my spine chill because those eyes happened to be staring back at muah, yours truly…ME.

 F$%#…just my luck to be here at the same time as this asshole on wheels.

 Actually, our path could be different. Approximately 45 seconds ago, this stranger was weaving through cars, lorries, other bikes…like he owned the road. Problem is, I had been watching this character and I am not in a good mood. Slowing down, I purposely wedged closer to an old Toyota that was ambling down the street cutting the biker off. 

I had a funny feeling that it was a bad move…trouble is, my funny feeling is usually correct. The ass-on-wheels applied his brake hard and slowed from 50km/h to an abysmal zero km/h in 4 secs, his wheels locking and screeching all the way.. you could smell rubber…burnt rubber. I bet money that his tyres left rubber marks on the road..

 The fella was obviously not amused. Damn…my funny feeling is right for the thousandth time.

‘Beeppppppppppppp’ a sickening horn sounded at my six o’clock. ‘BeeeeeEEpppppppp’ it sounded AGAIN…as if I hadn’t notice the first beep. Did the biker think I was deaf..?

“Oii.., Lu GILA KAH..?” the biker bellowed. I ignored the obviously stupid question…the answer was obvious…he was the gila one…not me.

“Weii…Turun…turun le kalau berani” he yelled again…I pretended to ignore him.

‘THUMP’..a flesh on metal sounded at the rear of my car. Heyy…did the asshole-on-wheels just thumped my car..? Another loud thump confirmed my suspicion. Okay..I get it….but why the need for repetitions? This character really needs an education on road and safety etiquette. Question is…who is going to teach him..? I bet that line is going to be a short one…right next to the long line of ‘I don’t want to mess with Mat Rempit’s’. Great…just great…and I’m late for work.

‘See’, my conscience spoke in a slight sarcastic tone…’TOLD YOU NOT TO BUG THIS GUY, now see what happens’.

Damn-it, problem with having a conscience is that, it’s not connected to the muscle that is doing the stuffs that you don’t want it to do. In my case, both my arms and my legs. I began to wonder, why God designed us this way.? Some philosophers believe that humans are born with a blank slate or Tabula Rasa…to be fashioned by life experience. Some like Plato believe that we should lead a moral and righteous life. Not all philosophers agree on that though, Nietzsche for example believes that God is dead. Yeah right, my philosophy lecturer back in university didn’t tell me that Nietzsche was also crazy, caused by a psychological maladjustment brought on by his philosophy. What book did he wrote..? Ahh…yes, I remember, ‘The Anti-Christ’. Wonderful children bedtime reading material. So is it nature…or nurture..? I believe in…

‘THUMPPP’ , that loud and familiar knock again, stirring me up from my philosophic reverie. That disturbance is an insult to a budding philosopher like me, the disturbance to philosophic thoughts, dear thoughts according to Plato. I bet Plato’s teacher Socrates would be rolling over in his grave right now.

 -end part 1

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya 2008

I would like to wish all my family, relatives and friends...a wonderful Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Mohon maaf zahir dan batin, semoga kita akan bertemu Ramadhan di tahun hadapan.
Indah langit kerana awan,
Indah laut kerana kebiruan,
Indah Ramadhan kerana keinsafan,
Indah Aidilfitri kerana kemaafan.