Sunday, September 19, 2010
Untitled 2

Friday, September 17, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Helen Thomas resigns...
A kingdom founded on injustice never lasts - Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Helen Thomas managed to cover as a reporter, 10 US Presidents (starting from John F. Kennedy, Nixon, Carter, Reagan right to Barack Obama)in her illustrious career. She makes one comment about Israel and was forced to resign her position as a columnist for Hearst News Services.
According to ADL (Anti Defamation League) Director Abraham H. Foxman, I quote '"Her suggestion that Israelis should go back to Poland and Germany is bigoted and shows a profound ignorance of history.....We believe Thomas needs to make a more forceful and sincere apology for the pain her remarks have caused'.
What did Helen Thomas actually said in the youtube video...you be the judge...
Helen Thomas managed to cover as a reporter, 10 US Presidents (starting from John F. Kennedy, Nixon, Carter, Reagan right to Barack Obama)in her illustrious career. She makes one comment about Israel and was forced to resign her position as a columnist for Hearst News Services.
According to ADL (Anti Defamation League) Director Abraham H. Foxman, I quote '"Her suggestion that Israelis should go back to Poland and Germany is bigoted and shows a profound ignorance of history.....We believe Thomas needs to make a more forceful and sincere apology for the pain her remarks have caused'.
What did Helen Thomas actually said in the youtube video...you be the judge...
(Transcript of the interview.)
Reporter : Any comments on Israel...
Helen : Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine...
Reporter : (laughs) Any better comments..??
Helen : Remember these people are OCCUPIED and its their land. Not Germany, Not Poland...
Reporter : So where should they go..??
Helen : GO HOME..
Reporter : So where is home..??
Helen : Poland...Germany...
Reporter : You mean the jews should just go back to Poland and Germany...?
Helen : And America and everywhere else...
I beg to differ as to what Helen said that was wrong and bigoted..? The land that Helen was referring to IS PALESTINE, she did not say for the jews to go out from Israel. Palestine is currently occupied by an illegal occupier and that is the state of Israel. She was just calling an apple an apple and paid the price for it.
If anybody displayed a profound ignorance of history, it is the ADL Director himself. Now the State of Israel is rewriting history to show that they are the victims in the occupied lands of Palestine.
Reporter : Any comments on Israel...
Helen : Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine...
Reporter : (laughs) Any better comments..??
Helen : Remember these people are OCCUPIED and its their land. Not Germany, Not Poland...
Reporter : So where should they go..??
Helen : GO HOME..
Reporter : So where is home..??
Helen : Poland...Germany...
Reporter : You mean the jews should just go back to Poland and Germany...?
Helen : And America and everywhere else...
I beg to differ as to what Helen said that was wrong and bigoted..? The land that Helen was referring to IS PALESTINE, she did not say for the jews to go out from Israel. Palestine is currently occupied by an illegal occupier and that is the state of Israel. She was just calling an apple an apple and paid the price for it.
If anybody displayed a profound ignorance of history, it is the ADL Director himself. Now the State of Israel is rewriting history to show that they are the victims in the occupied lands of Palestine.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Thoughts to ponder....
Nothing in life happens to me, it happens for me. I am not defined by my past, I am prepared by it. God wouldn’t have allowed me to go through it if he didn’t have a purpose for it. Life is too short to have a victim mentality. Say to yourself, I’m not gonna be bitter, I’m gonna get better - Joel Osteen
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
My Wish....for my son
I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
and each road leads you where you want to go,
and if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
and if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' 'til you find the window,
if it's cold outside,
show the world the warmth of your smile,
more than anything, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
your dreams stay big, your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
I hope you never look back, but ya never forget,
all the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
and you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
and you always give more then you take.
But more than anything, Yeah, and more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it,
to your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it,
to your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
yeah this is my wish o0o0o0o0o0o0
i hope you know somebody loves you
may all your dreams stay big
Monday, May 24, 2010
Tribute to Brandon Lee
A building gets torched, all that is left is ashes. I used to think that was true about everything, families, friends, feelings. But now I know, that sometimes if love proves real, two people who are meant to be together, nothing can keep them apart. - Sarah ( Movie Quote - The Crow (1994))

I was going through my dvd list and saw a movie that was a cult favourite of mine. It's called 'The Crow'. The movie was made in 1994 and was directed by Alex Proyas (whom also directed the film, Dark City).
Brandon Lee played a rock singer whom was murdered on Devil's Night (the night before Halloween) and came back from the dead (resurrected by a crow) to avenge his and his girlfriend's murder.
Below is my favourite part, it's when Brandon Lee (The Crow) saves his young friend Sarah (played by Rochelle Davis) from being hit by a car. He tries to hide his face so Sarah could not identify him but purposely gave himself away by saying 'It can't rain all the time', a saying that is familiar to Sarah. He was hiding from Sarah because Sarah knows that he is dead.
Well, a movie could not be a real movie without some kick ass music sountrack right..? Well, this movie have some cool music from Nine inch nails, Stone Temple Pilots and my personal favourite, Burn by the Cure. The sountrack from the movie reached no 1 on the Billboard Top 100 charts in 1994.
If you have not seen the movie, the video is a good synopsis of the movie.
Brandon Lee was accidently killed on set while filming a scene, he was shot by a squib bullet load (a normal bullet with the primer or gunpowder removed). So ends the life of Bruce Lee's son, Brandon. He was so promising as an actor.
On his tombstone, was inscribe a passage from Paul Bowles book, The Sheltering Sky.
Because we don't know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. And yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, an afternoon that is so deeply a part of your being that you can't even conceive of your life without it? Perhaps four, or five times more? Perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps twenty. And yet it all seems limitless...
Rest in Peace, Brandon.

I was going through my dvd list and saw a movie that was a cult favourite of mine. It's called 'The Crow'. The movie was made in 1994 and was directed by Alex Proyas (whom also directed the film, Dark City).
Brandon Lee played a rock singer whom was murdered on Devil's Night (the night before Halloween) and came back from the dead (resurrected by a crow) to avenge his and his girlfriend's murder.
Below is my favourite part, it's when Brandon Lee (The Crow) saves his young friend Sarah (played by Rochelle Davis) from being hit by a car. He tries to hide his face so Sarah could not identify him but purposely gave himself away by saying 'It can't rain all the time', a saying that is familiar to Sarah. He was hiding from Sarah because Sarah knows that he is dead.
Well, a movie could not be a real movie without some kick ass music sountrack right..? Well, this movie have some cool music from Nine inch nails, Stone Temple Pilots and my personal favourite, Burn by the Cure. The sountrack from the movie reached no 1 on the Billboard Top 100 charts in 1994.
If you have not seen the movie, the video is a good synopsis of the movie.
Brandon Lee was accidently killed on set while filming a scene, he was shot by a squib bullet load (a normal bullet with the primer or gunpowder removed). So ends the life of Bruce Lee's son, Brandon. He was so promising as an actor.
On his tombstone, was inscribe a passage from Paul Bowles book, The Sheltering Sky.
Because we don't know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. And yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, an afternoon that is so deeply a part of your being that you can't even conceive of your life without it? Perhaps four, or five times more? Perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps twenty. And yet it all seems limitless...
Rest in Peace, Brandon.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
6 most admirable personality traits
A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes - Mahatma Gandhi
Well, everyone knows about the 7 habits. I was exposed to Steven Covey's 7 habits of highly effective people (Proactive, begin with the end in mind, think win-win etc), early during my working career as a chemist in Nestle.
To be sponsored for the 7 habits workshop was a priviledge not many (except the managers) have, unless you are willing to fork out the 2-3 thousand fees. I have and read the book but never went for the workshop.
I read about this 6 admirable personality traits from a website some time ago...promptly saved in in my computer folder and do what we all do all the time, that is TO FORGET ABOUT IT.
I was looking at some of my saved folder and walla...discover this gem of an article and would like to share it with you people.
The 6 most admirable personality traits that is worth adopting and acquiring...
1. Selflessness: In a world where many people don’t have the time or the interest in others, selflessness is a quality that seems to be less and less common. People can be selfless in the time they give, the ability to listen, their level of patience and the love that they give. Those who are giving and generous in nature have the power to make others feel loved, appreciated and special. While those who are self-absorbed tend to do the exact opposite.
2. Tolerance: Those people who are tolerant make us feel comfortable with who we are and special as individuals. All of us are different, and many of us have quirks and idiosyncrasies. After all, these differences make the world go round. Having the ability to accept people for who they are and not expect them to be who we want them to be is important in life, happiness and in the health of our relationships.
3. Genuineness: Having the ability to be real, authentic and honest is unique in a world where we put so much emphasis on the superficial. Feeling comfortable in one’s skin and being true to one’s self is one of the most beautiful traits one can possess. To have a REAL relationship with someone requires honesty…it requires hearing and giving input or feedback that may not always be popular…it means having the strength to tell it like it is and to not be afraid to face the consequences for doing so…it means loving people for who they really are…deep down…and not for what they appear to be.
4. Sensitivity: So often we are focused on what is important to ourselves that we can forget about those around us. Those who are sensitive are often thoughtful, appreciative and loving, in a way that makes you feel understood, valued and respected. Often, sensitive people are also self-aware, making them mindful of how they impact others with what they do and say.
5. Integrity: Call me cynical, but I think this characteristic is especially difficult to find. In a time when people will do things that are underhanded to make an extra buck (Bernie Madoff…can you hear me?), expose their personal lives to the public so they can be famous (balloon boy’s dad and any other reality TV mongers) and do what feels good in the moment without necessarily thinking of the consequences (Tiger Woods), integrity is a characteristic that is especially unique today.
6. Humility: Whether someone is super-smart, extremely talented or drop-dead gorgeous, there is something extra special about them if they don’t come across as though they know it all the time. Humility in those that possess extraordinary traits make others feel special too.
To be sponsored for the 7 habits workshop was a priviledge not many (except the managers) have, unless you are willing to fork out the 2-3 thousand fees. I have and read the book but never went for the workshop.
I read about this 6 admirable personality traits from a website some time ago...promptly saved in in my computer folder and do what we all do all the time, that is TO FORGET ABOUT IT.
I was looking at some of my saved folder and walla...discover this gem of an article and would like to share it with you people.
The 6 most admirable personality traits that is worth adopting and acquiring...
1. Selflessness: In a world where many people don’t have the time or the interest in others, selflessness is a quality that seems to be less and less common. People can be selfless in the time they give, the ability to listen, their level of patience and the love that they give. Those who are giving and generous in nature have the power to make others feel loved, appreciated and special. While those who are self-absorbed tend to do the exact opposite.
2. Tolerance: Those people who are tolerant make us feel comfortable with who we are and special as individuals. All of us are different, and many of us have quirks and idiosyncrasies. After all, these differences make the world go round. Having the ability to accept people for who they are and not expect them to be who we want them to be is important in life, happiness and in the health of our relationships.
3. Genuineness: Having the ability to be real, authentic and honest is unique in a world where we put so much emphasis on the superficial. Feeling comfortable in one’s skin and being true to one’s self is one of the most beautiful traits one can possess. To have a REAL relationship with someone requires honesty…it requires hearing and giving input or feedback that may not always be popular…it means having the strength to tell it like it is and to not be afraid to face the consequences for doing so…it means loving people for who they really are…deep down…and not for what they appear to be.
4. Sensitivity: So often we are focused on what is important to ourselves that we can forget about those around us. Those who are sensitive are often thoughtful, appreciative and loving, in a way that makes you feel understood, valued and respected. Often, sensitive people are also self-aware, making them mindful of how they impact others with what they do and say.
5. Integrity: Call me cynical, but I think this characteristic is especially difficult to find. In a time when people will do things that are underhanded to make an extra buck (Bernie Madoff…can you hear me?), expose their personal lives to the public so they can be famous (balloon boy’s dad and any other reality TV mongers) and do what feels good in the moment without necessarily thinking of the consequences (Tiger Woods), integrity is a characteristic that is especially unique today.
6. Humility: Whether someone is super-smart, extremely talented or drop-dead gorgeous, there is something extra special about them if they don’t come across as though they know it all the time. Humility in those that possess extraordinary traits make others feel special too.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Asking the wrong questions...
I am reading a Yahoo posting about 'Jihad Jane'.
Wanna read it...it's HERE. Below is a snippet of the news.
Washington – The case of Colleen R. LaRose – also known as “Jihad Jane” and “Fatima Rose” – raises troubling questions about the ability of Al Qaeda to attract US-born women to terrorism.
Blond and green-eyed, Ms. LaRose looks more like a former cheerleader than the Western conception of an Islamist extremist. According to the FBI, she told co-conspirators in an e-mail that her appearance would allow her to blend in “with many people,” so that she could achieve “what is in my heart.”
Her US passport would also allow her to travel easily in and out of the country.
US counterterrorism officials long have been concerned about the possibility of Islamic radicalization of US natives. But generally speaking, they have focused on potential terrorist recruits that are males.
I am not at all surprised about the *so-called* terrorism experts in the US being perplexed about how a middle age woman be in cohorts with foreign terrorists. The problem with this sort of foreign experts is that...the questions they posed is made in the plush air-conditioned comfort of the offices in Pentagon where they still believe that the terrorists are against America because the terrorist hates democracy, hates the freedom that the citizens of America have and ultimately hates America because in America, women can vote and does not have to wear a veil over their faces.
The experts seemed surprised about why a woman would put herself in danger and risk herself being caught as a traitor to her own country. Why would a woman do that? Isn't it stupid?
In June, 2008, LaRose ( the woman caught by the authorities) posted a comment on YouTube under the moniker “JihadJane” saying that she was “desperate to do something somehow to help” suffering Muslims.
With the War against Terror now in full swing in Iraq, Afghanistan and soon Iran....the casualities now numbers in the hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children. It doesn't take a fancy slide rule to figure that it CAN sicken even the most blondest, blue eyed woman in America.
Perhaps it's about time the experts ask the right type of questions....
Monday, March 8, 2010
Babyface in KL.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Westerners just don't understand...
Merovingian: Oh my god Persephone, how could you do this? You betrayed me.
Persephone: Cause and Effect, my love.
Merovingian: Cause? There is no cause for this. What cause?
Persephone: What cause? How about the lipstick you're still wearing?
Merovingian: Lipstick? Lipstick? Heh, what craziness are you talking about woman? There is no lipstick.
[checks his face]
Persephone: She wasn't kissing your face, my love.
(Movie quote Matrix Reloaded - 2003)
I read a typical news report yesterday in Yahoo. I have posted only the first 8 paragraph of the news report. Click below for the full report.
NATO commander makes televised apology to Afghans
KABUL – The commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan went on national television Tuesday to apologize for a deadly airstrike, an extraordinary attempt to regain Afghans' trust while a mass offensive continues against the Taliban in the south.
Two U.S. Marine battalions, accompanied by Afghan troops, pushing from the north and south of the insurgent stronghold of Marjah finally linked up after more than a week, creating a direct route across the town that allows convoys to supply ammunition and reinforcements.
In a video translated into the Afghan languages of Dari and Pashto and broadcast on Afghan television, a stern Gen. Stanley McChrystal apologized for the strike in central Uruzgan province that Afghan officials say killed at least 21 people. The video was also posted on a NATO Web site.
"I pledge to strengthen our efforts to regain your trust to build a brighter future for all Afghans," McChrystal said in the video. "I have instituted a thorough investigation to prevent this from happening again."
Sunday's attack by NATO jets on a convoy of cars was the deadliest attack on civilians in six months and prompted a sharp rebuke from the Afghan government. McChrystal apologized directly to President Hamid Karzai shortly after the incident. The video is another sign of the military coalition's intense campaign to win public backing for the Marjah offensive with a strategy that involves taking all precautions possible to protect civilians.
NATO said McChrystal made a similar apology via video this past fall when U.S. pilots bombed two hijacked fuel tankers near the northern town of Kunduz. Afghan leaders estimated that 30 to 40 civilians were killed.
The civilian deaths occurred as 15,000 NATO, U.S. and Afghan soldiers were in their 10th day of fighting insurgents in the town in Helmand province. A Romanian soldier was killed Tuesday and another was wounded in a bombing in southern Afghanistan unrelated to the offensive, Romanian officials said.
At least 919 U.S. service members have died in Afghanistan since the war began in 2001, according to an Associated Press count. The figure does not include Americans based in other countries in support of the Afghan mission who did not die as a result of combat.
It is very hard for the western military and politician to UNDERSTAND the context of cause and effect. It basically concerns about why things happen.
Causing collateral damage and killing civilians is only an EFFECT and somehow the CAUSES remained obscure from scrutiny in all of the US military, politics and media. With all their fancy degrees and experience, they choose to remain quiet of the underlying causes why their exploits in Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan and now Iraq failed miserably. I have long ago treat US news media especially CNN as lazy account of the true facts.
They hate our democracy, they hate our women, they hate our institution and more importantly, they hate our freedom...this is what been fed by the politicians to quell dissent at home and make families of US servicemen whom died find solace in 'The War against Terror' rhetoric.
Granted, the 3000 people whom died in the World Trade Centre did not deserve their cruel fate but the hundreds of thousands whom died in Afhanistan and Iraq as a direct consequence of the War on Terror did not deserve their fate either. Especially in Iraq, where the premise of the war is to punish Saddam for his involvement in the WTC attack now proved false and only used as a justification for USA to control the flow of oil in the region.
Killing begets killing, hatred will be met with hatred and the viscous cycle of revenge will continue. Winning the hearts and mind does not work if you equate the killing of a child as mere collateral damage.
Persephone: Cause and Effect, my love.
Merovingian: Cause? There is no cause for this. What cause?
Persephone: What cause? How about the lipstick you're still wearing?
Merovingian: Lipstick? Lipstick? Heh, what craziness are you talking about woman? There is no lipstick.
[checks his face]
Persephone: She wasn't kissing your face, my love.
(Movie quote Matrix Reloaded - 2003)
I read a typical news report yesterday in Yahoo. I have posted only the first 8 paragraph of the news report. Click below for the full report.
NATO commander makes televised apology to Afghans
KABUL – The commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan went on national television Tuesday to apologize for a deadly airstrike, an extraordinary attempt to regain Afghans' trust while a mass offensive continues against the Taliban in the south.
Two U.S. Marine battalions, accompanied by Afghan troops, pushing from the north and south of the insurgent stronghold of Marjah finally linked up after more than a week, creating a direct route across the town that allows convoys to supply ammunition and reinforcements.
In a video translated into the Afghan languages of Dari and Pashto and broadcast on Afghan television, a stern Gen. Stanley McChrystal apologized for the strike in central Uruzgan province that Afghan officials say killed at least 21 people. The video was also posted on a NATO Web site.
"I pledge to strengthen our efforts to regain your trust to build a brighter future for all Afghans," McChrystal said in the video. "I have instituted a thorough investigation to prevent this from happening again."
Sunday's attack by NATO jets on a convoy of cars was the deadliest attack on civilians in six months and prompted a sharp rebuke from the Afghan government. McChrystal apologized directly to President Hamid Karzai shortly after the incident. The video is another sign of the military coalition's intense campaign to win public backing for the Marjah offensive with a strategy that involves taking all precautions possible to protect civilians.
NATO said McChrystal made a similar apology via video this past fall when U.S. pilots bombed two hijacked fuel tankers near the northern town of Kunduz. Afghan leaders estimated that 30 to 40 civilians were killed.
The civilian deaths occurred as 15,000 NATO, U.S. and Afghan soldiers were in their 10th day of fighting insurgents in the town in Helmand province. A Romanian soldier was killed Tuesday and another was wounded in a bombing in southern Afghanistan unrelated to the offensive, Romanian officials said.
At least 919 U.S. service members have died in Afghanistan since the war began in 2001, according to an Associated Press count. The figure does not include Americans based in other countries in support of the Afghan mission who did not die as a result of combat.
It is very hard for the western military and politician to UNDERSTAND the context of cause and effect. It basically concerns about why things happen.
Causing collateral damage and killing civilians is only an EFFECT and somehow the CAUSES remained obscure from scrutiny in all of the US military, politics and media. With all their fancy degrees and experience, they choose to remain quiet of the underlying causes why their exploits in Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan and now Iraq failed miserably. I have long ago treat US news media especially CNN as lazy account of the true facts.
They hate our democracy, they hate our women, they hate our institution and more importantly, they hate our freedom...this is what been fed by the politicians to quell dissent at home and make families of US servicemen whom died find solace in 'The War against Terror' rhetoric.
Granted, the 3000 people whom died in the World Trade Centre did not deserve their cruel fate but the hundreds of thousands whom died in Afhanistan and Iraq as a direct consequence of the War on Terror did not deserve their fate either. Especially in Iraq, where the premise of the war is to punish Saddam for his involvement in the WTC attack now proved false and only used as a justification for USA to control the flow of oil in the region.
Killing begets killing, hatred will be met with hatred and the viscous cycle of revenge will continue. Winning the hearts and mind does not work if you equate the killing of a child as mere collateral damage.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
My Kafkaesque Life..
And I'm looking to the sky to save me
Looking for a sign of life
Looking for something to help me burn out bright
I'm looking for complication
Looking cause I'm tired of lying
Make my way back home when I learn to fly
I think I'm done nursing the patience
I can wait one night
I'd give it all away if you give me one last try
We'll live happily ever trapped if you just save my life
Run and tell the angels that everything's alright...
I'm looking to the sky to save me
Looking for a sign of life
Looking for something to help me burn out bright
Monday, February 15, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Much ado about nothing...
I was clearing my phone sms when I found this. I got it when I was still in Mekkah...it's funny as hell when I first got it.
Big Bro : Assalamualaikum bro? Buat ape, dah start mengaji kat masjid ke?
Reza :W'salam. Mengaji? Dah..sikit-sikit
Big Bro : Dah sembahyang Qada, for all the waktu that u missed..
Reza : Belum..Thanks for reminding me..
Big Bro : Good, start doing it. Don't forget sembahyang sunat too. And don't sembahyang in yr hotel room, go and do jemaah.
Reza : OK, only once aje prayed in my room.
Big Bro : GOOD. Hv you managed to see any Iranian chicks yet..?? Hot babes, they wear sunglasses and tight jeans under their jubah...Oh LA LA. Check that out too bro..
Big Bro : Assalamualaikum bro? Buat ape, dah start mengaji kat masjid ke?
Reza :W'salam. Mengaji? Dah..sikit-sikit
Big Bro : Dah sembahyang Qada, for all the waktu that u missed..
Reza : Belum..Thanks for reminding me..
Big Bro : Good, start doing it. Don't forget sembahyang sunat too. And don't sembahyang in yr hotel room, go and do jemaah.
Reza : OK, only once aje prayed in my room.
Big Bro : GOOD. Hv you managed to see any Iranian chicks yet..?? Hot babes, they wear sunglasses and tight jeans under their jubah...Oh LA LA. Check that out too bro..
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Dissecting Anwar Ibrahim crap article in Washington Post
(My comments are in BOLD)
Malaysia has once again resurfaced in international headlines for the wrong reasons. Over the last two weeks, arsonists and vandals attacked 10 places of worship, including Christian churches and Sikh temples. Though there were no injuries and the material damage is reparable, the same cannot be said about the emotional and psychological scars left behind. After numerous conflicting statements from government officials, the underlying causes of the violence are still unaddressed. Malaysia's reputation as a nation at peace with its ethnic and religious diversity is at stake.
For Anwar, an alarmist whom is losing party members at an alarming rate...everything is at stake. Conflicting statements are issued NOT ONLY by government officials, even the opposition parties are giving conflicting statements on regard of the usage of the word ‘Allah’. PAS and PKR members have not fully agreed themselves on this issue.
Malaysia's poor handling of religious and sectarian issues is not unique. The ill treatment of minority groups in Muslim countries is often worse than the actions Muslims decry in the West. I have called attention to the broader need in the Muslim world for leadership that demonstrates consistency and credibility in our call for justice, fairness and pluralism. These values are embedded in the Islamic tradition as the higher objectives of Shariah expounded by the 12th-century jurist al-Shatibi.
Note the chameleon way of writing. First, he says Malaysia’s poor handling of the minorities then he says ‘The treatment of minority groups in Muslim countries’. He doesn’t dare compare Malaysia to other muslim countries because there would be no comparison at all in the terms of equality and fairness.
He does not dare to mention the names of other muslim countries because he does not dare incur their wrath since he needs their support.
We have seen Muslims around the world protest against discriminatory laws passed in supposedly liberal and progressive countries in the West. Yet just as France and Germany have their issues with the burqa and Switzerland with its minarets, so too does Malaysia frequently fail to offer a safe and secure environment that accommodates its minority communities.
Notice the CLEVER and extremely sly method of mentioning the crimes of other western countries on the treatment of their own minorities in just ONE SENTENCE as a caveat. Only 17 words out of more than 1000 words used are in opposition to the west. Why afraid o’ defender of democracy?
Notice too, he DARE NOT critisize Unites States of America for their own crimes against their minority groups which exist until now because he needs the favour of the US and this article is for the Washington Post.
The recent arson attacks exemplify what's wrong with the way Malaysia regards its non-Muslim citizens. The attacks were provoked by a controversy over the use of the word "Allah" by Malaysia's Christian community, which numbers over two million, or about 10% of the population. In late 2007, the Home Ministry banned the use of the word by the Herald, a Catholic newspaper, and later confiscated 15,000 copies of Malay-language Bibles imported from Indonesia in which the word for God is translated as "Allah." A Dec. 31, 2009 ruling by the Kuala Lumpur High Court overruled the earlier ban, asserting constitutional guarantees regarding the freedom of religion in Malaysia. Since then, an already tense situation boiled over, largely due to incitement by a few reckless politicians, the mainstream media and a handful of nongovernmental organizations linked by membership and leadership to the United Malays National Organization, the ruling party.
Anwar is talking through his backside (pun intended). First of all he says in the second paragraph of this lame article is that Malaysia poorly handled this situation, now he says that since the court ruling in Dec 31, 2009 overruled the earlier ban, now it seems that we have constitutional guarantees regarding the freedom of religion in Malaysia. It is very hard to make Anwar Ibrahim happy.
Anwar did not mention in his article that the judge presiding over the ruling, Bee Lian is a devout Catholic whom regularly conducts bible classes. Question of her impartiality now under investigation not mentioned anywhere in his article. When Anwar is being brought to the courts, he always claimed others were biased and impartial.
For example, Utusan Malaysia, the nation's largest Malay-language daily—which is also owned by UMNO—has inflamed Muslim religious sentiments by accusing non-Muslims of desecrating the name of the "Muslim" God and alleging a Christian conspiracy to overrun this predominantly Muslim nation through conversion. I have seen these incendiary propaganda techniques used before, when politicians and demagogues exploit public sentiment to garner support by fomenting fear. Such tactics are useful diversions from embarrassing scandals ranging from controversial court decisions, to allegations of exorbitant commissions extracted from military procurements, to the theft of two jet engines from the inventory of the Royal Malaysian Air Force. This behavior has been exacerbated since the ruling party lost its two-thirds majority in parliament last year. UMNO is now desperately struggling to regain public support.
Anwar is a liar. Even PKR MP like Zulkifli Nordin has alleged conspiracy surrounding this issue. Majlis fatwa kebangsaan and even the Sultan of Selangor has made strong decision in being against non muslim from using the word ‘Allah’. PAS itself is divided over this issue.
Few Muslims around the world would endorse the claim that we have a monopoly on the word "Allah." It is accepted that the word was already in the lexicon of pre-Islamic Arabs. Arabic's sister Semitic languages also refer to God as "Allah": namely, "Elaha" in Aramaic, and "Elohim" in Hebrew. Historical manuscripts prove that Arabic-speaking Muslims, Christian and Jews have collectively prayed to God, the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe, as "Allah" for over 1,400 years. The history of Islam in Southeast Asia is known for its pluralistic and inclusive traditions, and amicable relations between Muslims and non-Muslims have been the norm for generations.
Muslim scholars outside of Malaysia thus find our "Allah" issue absurd and cannot fathom why it has sparked protest and outrage. Minority Muslim populations living in the West, particularly in the aftermath of 9/11, have diligently tried to remind the public that Muslims, Christians and Jews share common Abrahamic roots and ultimately worship the same God.
When was Islam introduced by our Prophet? Isn’t it more than 1400 years ago?
Is it a normal practice for Christians in Malaysia to use the Allah? Is there no other MALAY translation for the word GOD?
Local sensitivities have been aroused over this issue. They should be handled through dialogue and engagement. Instead of permeating a sense of insecurity or a siege mentality, Muslims must be encouraged to engage and present their concerns to the Christians in a constructive manner. The example of Muslim Spain is a moment in our history to which Malaysian Muslims should aspire. But efforts toward fostering a convivencia are not only found in the past. The ongoing "Common Word" initiative, a global effort launched in 2007 that captured the support of over 130 of the world's most prominent Muslim scholars, has made historic progress towards building goodwill among Muslims and Christians to find ways to live in sincere peace and harmony. It is ironic that noble efforts such as these are being undone by the actions of Muslims themselves.
Malaysia's international reputation has taken a beating since Prime Minister Najib Razak was sworn in last year. Despite his efforts to promote national unity, news about the caning of a young Muslim woman charged with drinking, the mutilation of a cow head in protest of the construction of a Hindu temple, ill treatment of Muslim converts who revert to their earlier faith and even the outlawing of the practice of yoga by Muslims have many at home and abroad wondering which direction Malaysia is headed under Mr. Najib's leadership. There are already misgivings about governance, human rights, the rule of law and rampant corruption; Malaysia dropped 10 spots on Transparency International's 2009 Corruption Perception Index, our worst showing in over 15 years. The vision of Malaysia as a peaceful and stable location for investment, tourism and migration is now in peril.
Malaysia has once again resurfaced in international headlines for the wrong reasons. Over the last two weeks, arsonists and vandals attacked 10 places of worship, including Christian churches and Sikh temples. Though there were no injuries and the material damage is reparable, the same cannot be said about the emotional and psychological scars left behind. After numerous conflicting statements from government officials, the underlying causes of the violence are still unaddressed. Malaysia's reputation as a nation at peace with its ethnic and religious diversity is at stake.
For Anwar, an alarmist whom is losing party members at an alarming rate...everything is at stake. Conflicting statements are issued NOT ONLY by government officials, even the opposition parties are giving conflicting statements on regard of the usage of the word ‘Allah’. PAS and PKR members have not fully agreed themselves on this issue.
Malaysia's poor handling of religious and sectarian issues is not unique. The ill treatment of minority groups in Muslim countries is often worse than the actions Muslims decry in the West. I have called attention to the broader need in the Muslim world for leadership that demonstrates consistency and credibility in our call for justice, fairness and pluralism. These values are embedded in the Islamic tradition as the higher objectives of Shariah expounded by the 12th-century jurist al-Shatibi.
Note the chameleon way of writing. First, he says Malaysia’s poor handling of the minorities then he says ‘The treatment of minority groups in Muslim countries’. He doesn’t dare compare Malaysia to other muslim countries because there would be no comparison at all in the terms of equality and fairness.
He does not dare to mention the names of other muslim countries because he does not dare incur their wrath since he needs their support.
We have seen Muslims around the world protest against discriminatory laws passed in supposedly liberal and progressive countries in the West. Yet just as France and Germany have their issues with the burqa and Switzerland with its minarets, so too does Malaysia frequently fail to offer a safe and secure environment that accommodates its minority communities.
Notice the CLEVER and extremely sly method of mentioning the crimes of other western countries on the treatment of their own minorities in just ONE SENTENCE as a caveat. Only 17 words out of more than 1000 words used are in opposition to the west. Why afraid o’ defender of democracy?
Notice too, he DARE NOT critisize Unites States of America for their own crimes against their minority groups which exist until now because he needs the favour of the US and this article is for the Washington Post.
The recent arson attacks exemplify what's wrong with the way Malaysia regards its non-Muslim citizens. The attacks were provoked by a controversy over the use of the word "Allah" by Malaysia's Christian community, which numbers over two million, or about 10% of the population. In late 2007, the Home Ministry banned the use of the word by the Herald, a Catholic newspaper, and later confiscated 15,000 copies of Malay-language Bibles imported from Indonesia in which the word for God is translated as "Allah." A Dec. 31, 2009 ruling by the Kuala Lumpur High Court overruled the earlier ban, asserting constitutional guarantees regarding the freedom of religion in Malaysia. Since then, an already tense situation boiled over, largely due to incitement by a few reckless politicians, the mainstream media and a handful of nongovernmental organizations linked by membership and leadership to the United Malays National Organization, the ruling party.
Anwar is talking through his backside (pun intended). First of all he says in the second paragraph of this lame article is that Malaysia poorly handled this situation, now he says that since the court ruling in Dec 31, 2009 overruled the earlier ban, now it seems that we have constitutional guarantees regarding the freedom of religion in Malaysia. It is very hard to make Anwar Ibrahim happy.
Anwar did not mention in his article that the judge presiding over the ruling, Bee Lian is a devout Catholic whom regularly conducts bible classes. Question of her impartiality now under investigation not mentioned anywhere in his article. When Anwar is being brought to the courts, he always claimed others were biased and impartial.
For example, Utusan Malaysia, the nation's largest Malay-language daily—which is also owned by UMNO—has inflamed Muslim religious sentiments by accusing non-Muslims of desecrating the name of the "Muslim" God and alleging a Christian conspiracy to overrun this predominantly Muslim nation through conversion. I have seen these incendiary propaganda techniques used before, when politicians and demagogues exploit public sentiment to garner support by fomenting fear. Such tactics are useful diversions from embarrassing scandals ranging from controversial court decisions, to allegations of exorbitant commissions extracted from military procurements, to the theft of two jet engines from the inventory of the Royal Malaysian Air Force. This behavior has been exacerbated since the ruling party lost its two-thirds majority in parliament last year. UMNO is now desperately struggling to regain public support.
Anwar is a liar. Even PKR MP like Zulkifli Nordin has alleged conspiracy surrounding this issue. Majlis fatwa kebangsaan and even the Sultan of Selangor has made strong decision in being against non muslim from using the word ‘Allah’. PAS itself is divided over this issue.
Few Muslims around the world would endorse the claim that we have a monopoly on the word "Allah." It is accepted that the word was already in the lexicon of pre-Islamic Arabs. Arabic's sister Semitic languages also refer to God as "Allah": namely, "Elaha" in Aramaic, and "Elohim" in Hebrew. Historical manuscripts prove that Arabic-speaking Muslims, Christian and Jews have collectively prayed to God, the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe, as "Allah" for over 1,400 years. The history of Islam in Southeast Asia is known for its pluralistic and inclusive traditions, and amicable relations between Muslims and non-Muslims have been the norm for generations.
Muslim scholars outside of Malaysia thus find our "Allah" issue absurd and cannot fathom why it has sparked protest and outrage. Minority Muslim populations living in the West, particularly in the aftermath of 9/11, have diligently tried to remind the public that Muslims, Christians and Jews share common Abrahamic roots and ultimately worship the same God.
When was Islam introduced by our Prophet? Isn’t it more than 1400 years ago?
Is it a normal practice for Christians in Malaysia to use the Allah? Is there no other MALAY translation for the word GOD?
Local sensitivities have been aroused over this issue. They should be handled through dialogue and engagement. Instead of permeating a sense of insecurity or a siege mentality, Muslims must be encouraged to engage and present their concerns to the Christians in a constructive manner. The example of Muslim Spain is a moment in our history to which Malaysian Muslims should aspire. But efforts toward fostering a convivencia are not only found in the past. The ongoing "Common Word" initiative, a global effort launched in 2007 that captured the support of over 130 of the world's most prominent Muslim scholars, has made historic progress towards building goodwill among Muslims and Christians to find ways to live in sincere peace and harmony. It is ironic that noble efforts such as these are being undone by the actions of Muslims themselves.
Malaysia's international reputation has taken a beating since Prime Minister Najib Razak was sworn in last year. Despite his efforts to promote national unity, news about the caning of a young Muslim woman charged with drinking, the mutilation of a cow head in protest of the construction of a Hindu temple, ill treatment of Muslim converts who revert to their earlier faith and even the outlawing of the practice of yoga by Muslims have many at home and abroad wondering which direction Malaysia is headed under Mr. Najib's leadership. There are already misgivings about governance, human rights, the rule of law and rampant corruption; Malaysia dropped 10 spots on Transparency International's 2009 Corruption Perception Index, our worst showing in over 15 years. The vision of Malaysia as a peaceful and stable location for investment, tourism and migration is now in peril.
This is laughable indeed. Most polical observers and even party members agree that Anwar rule with an iron fist.
This matters most for Malaysians who have to contend with an increasingly polarized social and political landscape. Malaysia cannot afford to be held hostage by the vested interests of a few who manipulate faith and identity as a means to elicit fear for political and economic gain. This is old politics, and it has become clear that those who incite hatred are only doing so to prolong their monopoly on power. The majority of Malaysians reject this approach. They realize that overcoming the challenges we face—a stagnant economy, declining educational standards and rising crime—depends on our ability as a nation to internalize and make real the principles of fairness and justice to all.
It seems ironic too that Anwar has found it difficult to keep his PKR members in check. Outspoken members against PKR leadership has found it easy to go against them with a little more than a slap on the wrist. This is for the fear of more PKR members going independent and even joining the ruling BN party. It is laughable that PKR members complain that their own brethren are like communist rulers and little phraohs.
It seems ironic too that since Anwar promulgated the idea of jumping parties, only PKR members have jumped parties and not the other way around. Of course, now it is claimed as undemocratic, but when it was first introduced by Anwar, it was correct and just. That’s ironic..
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Usage of the word 'Allah'
Alfred Pennyworth : A long time ago, I was in Burma, my friends and I were working for the local government. They were trying to buy the loyalty of tribal leaders by bribing them with precious stones. But their caravans were being raided in a forest north of Rangoon by a bandit. So we went looking for the stones. But in six months, we never found anyone who traded with him. One day I saw a child playing with a ruby the size of a tangerine. The bandit had been throwing them away.
Bruce Wayne aka Batman : Then why steal them..??
Alfred Pennyworth : Because he thought it was good sport. Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.
(Movie quote : The Dark Knight - 2008 )
I have always been known by my friends as a liberal Muslim. Liberal here means my view on most things tend to be on the middle or grey as opposed to be a YES or a NO most conservative Muslim insist on.
Regarding the issue of the validity of the word Allah, my stance is to prohibit the usage to non Muslims in Malaysia. The first reaction from my non Muslim friends would be that I have gone extreme and now a Taliban type fundamentalist. Nothing could be further from the truth.
It would be laughable indeed from a world point of view to say that the Christians in general want to refer to their God as Allah. It is just occurring in East Malaysia where the word has been used in decades as a reference to the holy trinity. It was a localised usage certainly not occurring in other places especially in West Malaysia. Before this issue has been blown out of proportion, very few people even know other Christians referring to their God as Allah. Most Christians called Jesus as their lord and saviour.
The issue now is that certain people insist on creating a mountain out of a molehill. Their obdurate insistence to make it THEIR ABSOLUTE RIGHT to fight for a word that has universal value to the Muslims thus angering and creating further divide among races. This is unnecessary as much as it is stupid.
Imagine the anger felt by Hindus if Muslims wanted to use the word Shiva (whom is just one major deity in their long list of Mahadevas or Great God) as a substitute. What stupidity begets this line of thinking?
Bruce Wayne aka Batman : Then why steal them..??
Alfred Pennyworth : Because he thought it was good sport. Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.
(Movie quote : The Dark Knight - 2008 )
I have always been known by my friends as a liberal Muslim. Liberal here means my view on most things tend to be on the middle or grey as opposed to be a YES or a NO most conservative Muslim insist on.
Regarding the issue of the validity of the word Allah, my stance is to prohibit the usage to non Muslims in Malaysia. The first reaction from my non Muslim friends would be that I have gone extreme and now a Taliban type fundamentalist. Nothing could be further from the truth.
It would be laughable indeed from a world point of view to say that the Christians in general want to refer to their God as Allah. It is just occurring in East Malaysia where the word has been used in decades as a reference to the holy trinity. It was a localised usage certainly not occurring in other places especially in West Malaysia. Before this issue has been blown out of proportion, very few people even know other Christians referring to their God as Allah. Most Christians called Jesus as their lord and saviour.
The issue now is that certain people insist on creating a mountain out of a molehill. Their obdurate insistence to make it THEIR ABSOLUTE RIGHT to fight for a word that has universal value to the Muslims thus angering and creating further divide among races. This is unnecessary as much as it is stupid.
Imagine the anger felt by Hindus if Muslims wanted to use the word Shiva (whom is just one major deity in their long list of Mahadevas or Great God) as a substitute. What stupidity begets this line of thinking?
It is now widely known that the High Court judge that ruled in favour of the Catholic weekly in allowing the usage of the word Allah, Bee Lian Lau is a staunch Catholic and regularly conducts bible classes.
Questions about her impartiality must be put forward before letting her preside and make a judgement over such a polarized and potential time bomb issue.
Now with churches and mosques arsoned, maybe it’s true about some people just like to see the world burn.
Questions about her impartiality must be put forward before letting her preside and make a judgement over such a polarized and potential time bomb issue.
Now with churches and mosques arsoned, maybe it’s true about some people just like to see the world burn.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Masjid Al-Nabawi in Madinah Al-Munawarrah
Masjid Al-Nabawi or the Mosque of the Prophet (Masjid Nabi in malay) is the second most holiest mosque in Islam, next only to Masjidil Haram in Mekkah Al-Mukarramah which houses the Holy Kaabah.

Note : Pictures are the property of the blog owner. It can be reproduced for non-profit but have to be accredited to this blog.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I am away..
Hey all. I am away from 4th till the 17th Jan 2010. I am currently writing this from Mecca Mukarramah in my hotel. I was in Madinah, Al-Ula, Taif, Hudaibiyah and Mecca. I did my first Umrah last Saturday morning.
The weather is fine, cool BUT dry. I did take over 1000 pictures both on my pocket Ixus and SLR...will post some pictures here soon.
Till then....Salam
The weather is fine, cool BUT dry. I did take over 1000 pictures both on my pocket Ixus and SLR...will post some pictures here soon.
Till then....Salam
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