Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Helen Thomas resigns...

A kingdom founded on injustice never lasts - Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Helen Thomas managed to cover as a reporter, 10 US Presidents (starting from John F. Kennedy, Nixon, Carter, Reagan right to Barack Obama)in her illustrious career. She makes one comment about Israel and was forced to resign her position as a columnist for Hearst News Services.

According to ADL (Anti Defamation League) Director Abraham H. Foxman, I quote '"Her suggestion that Israelis should go back to Poland and Germany is bigoted and shows a profound ignorance of history.....We believe Thomas needs to make a more forceful and sincere apology for the pain her remarks have caused'.

What did Helen Thomas actually said in the youtube video...you be the judge...
(Transcript of the interview.)

Reporter : Any comments on Israel...

Helen : Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine...

Reporter : (laughs) Any better comments..??

Helen : Remember these people are OCCUPIED and its their land. Not Germany, Not Poland...

Reporter : So where should they go..??

Helen : GO HOME..

Reporter : So where is home..??

Helen : Poland...Germany...

Reporter : You mean the jews should just go back to Poland and Germany...?

Helen : And America and everywhere else...

I beg to differ as to what Helen said that was wrong and bigoted..? The land that Helen was referring to IS PALESTINE, she did not say for the jews to go out from Israel. Palestine is currently occupied by an illegal occupier and that is the state of Israel. She was just calling an apple an apple and paid the price for it.

If anybody displayed a profound ignorance of history, it is the ADL Director himself. Now the State of Israel is rewriting history to show that they are the victims in the occupied lands of Palestine.