I was clearing my phone sms when I found this. I got it when I was still in Mekkah...it's funny as hell when I first got it.
Big Bro : Assalamualaikum bro? Buat ape, dah start mengaji kat masjid ke?
Reza :W'salam. Mengaji? Dah..sikit-sikit
Big Bro : Dah sembahyang Qada, for all the waktu that u missed..
Reza : Belum..Thanks for reminding me..
Big Bro : Good, start doing it. Don't forget sembahyang sunat too. And don't sembahyang in yr hotel room, go and do jemaah.
Reza : OK, only once aje prayed in my room.
Big Bro : GOOD. Hv you managed to see any Iranian chicks yet..?? Hot babes, they wear sunglasses and tight jeans under their jubah...Oh LA LA. Check that out too bro..