Look what the postman brought me today..a few books that I ordered online. I usually buy through acmabooks if I don't get the titles from KinoKuniya or MPH.

I don't buy through amazon as it cost a bomb to have the books flown from the US. Acmabooks are from here. They even gave me some bookmarks and an invoice for tax purposes. Shipping cost only around RM18 for books below RM200.

Ahhh...Gilead.Love the smell of new books.

Ok, I bought Gilead, Roots, The Centre Cannot Hold and Open Veins of Latin America.
The last book I bought because it was the book given to President Obama by Venezuelan's PM, Hugo Chavez. It tells the story of exploitation of foreign companies that reaps huge profits at the expense of the poor in Latin America since the past few hundred years.

What book should I read first...? Hands down, Alex Hailey's Roots. I love his writings esp. Malcolm X autobiography. I even have the audio book for it.