Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Malaysian Time

Better never than late - George Bernand Shaw

I was attending a morning function somewhere in KL. It supposed to start at 8 am but until 9.15am the Deputy Minister failed to show up. School children with kompangs have been practicing a familiar tune to be played when he arrives 3 times already. The kids are getting weary and tired. I am not weary but hungry. I could eat a horse type of hungry.

Damn, I should have eaten the sausage bread I bought yesterday.

So along with my friends we proceeded to a small eatery to have breakfast without waiting for the so-called VIP to arrive. According to my friend, ever since Pak Lah, now politicians do not come to functions on time. We laughed. I hope it was a joke but my friend said it earnestly enough so it might be for real.

Yippee...way to go.

I was surprised because this so-called VIP was in the papers previously catching a few government workers relaxing whilst on the job.

Pot calling kettle black.....damn em’ all