Its been soo long since I updated my blog, if its not linked to my gmail account I would have forgotten the password already :-)
I feel that I have kindda evolve from the young and naive fella that created this blog 2 years ago. So what do we talk about in the New Year..?? Resolutions maybe..?
Well, my resolution for this year among others are...I won't write it all here
1) Learning to cook a few main dishes. (yes...COOK!)
2) Compete in a half marathon - Truth be told, I have been running casually since I was in school, nothing too far just about 4-5km just to keep fit and even in the gym (I normally go twice a week), I would make it a habit to warm up on the threadmill before I do my weights.
My aha-moment (inspirational moment) is when I watched a series of second-acts videos about late bloomers whom found their calling late into their 40-60s and STARTED to do something about it.
Here's one , I hope you get motivated too..
It's about Donald Arthur whom has a heart transplant (he was just given a few months to live).
He beat the odds and now regularly run marathons...imagine that..!!
What's your New Year's resolution..??
Make it small but life changing..