Wednesday, July 23, 2008

23 July 2008 - News headings

1) Kit Siang - Why Malay unity and Not Malaysian unity (Star page N6)

Is DAP the custodian of the VOICE of multi racial Malaysia or just the CHINESE in general..?
Check for yourself here. (Look under 'About Us' and choose Leadership OR elected representatives.)

I bet you can count with one hand non chinese elected leaders (in National, Women and DAPSY) representatives in this so-called Pan Malaysia Multi-racial party.

Walk your talk lah Kit Siang.

2) Kos Senggara mahal (Utusan page 1)

Wow..maintanence of over RM132 k - RM 175k per car over a four year period for Perdana V6.
Funny, my periodic maintenance for my V6 hardly goes over RM400 every 3 months. The last major cost was RM1600 to replace the cheap tyres to Continental kick ass ones.
Further more my perdana comes with 5 year warranty on parts (even the gear boxes are covered).

And I have such high aspirations that the current Trengganu Exco would not be like their predecessor...looks like they hired the same style politicians all over again.

Imagine these jokers with the wang's Monsoon Cup with a different name.