Stupid is forever, ignorance can be fixed. – Don Wood
Saw this sign on menara ABM, opposite Maju Junction KL. Sublime, huh..?
I know there are not exactly plenty of Pak Lah’s quotations to go around so the fellas at Ukhwah took the most innocuous one to put on their posters. Problem that, the most innocuous ones are also the most painfully obvious ones.
It’s bad enough that most cabinet ministers think that they are smarter than the PM, but letting the average Joe on the street thinks that way too..? Now, how brilliant is that…
Ok...some good news. According to some foreign news, Pak Lah is indicating that he would be discussing the transfer of power to his deputy, Najib. Read it here. (there's a catch...not straight away but at the end of 2008). Don't worry we trust you ;-)