Sometimes when I'm talking, my words can't keep up with my thoughts. I wonder why we think faster than we speak. Probably, so we can think twice - Bill Waterson, author of the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes
This happened while I was watching the film Collateral(2004) with my wife, Liza.
In the scene, Max(the cab driver played by Jamie Foxx) was forced to get the hit-list (the list of people about to get killed by Vincent-the assassin played by Tom Cruise) he lost from Felix(played beautifully by Javier Bardem).
The dark big room was behind a hispanic bar and full of gangsters, all keen to see the weirdo Max get killed while talking to the head honcho Felix.
Reza : Hold on...I missed the whole thing about the Santa Claus...I never heard about Pedro before. I rewind it back a little....
Liza (bewildered) : C'mon..it's not important...let's just watch the movie..
Reza : It will take just a few secs...
Liza : Pleaseeee...those are just wordss.....rewind it back when Tom Cruise is in the scene...
Reza : Wordsss..?? Boy, cat and flower are words. Those are not words..it's an inspiration. Those writers probably wrote and rewrote the script 20 times before we see it in it's final form. The scene probably took 15 takes. Have I ever said your Furla bag was just a BAG..? I wanna see it again. See...you made me missed it AGAIN....we could do this all night, you know...
Liza : Wake me up when you're done..
Reza : I think about it...
That was 6 months ago. I know women can be harsh...but we have since reconciled ;-)
For those who are interested in the script in question however...this is it...
FELIX: Do you believe in Humpty Dumpty?
MAX: No.
FELIX: Do you believe in Santa Claus?
MAX: No.
FELIX: Neither do I. But my children do. They are still small. But do you know who they like even better than Santa Claus? His helper, Pedro Negro. Black Peter. There's an old Mexican tale that tells of how Santa Claus got so very busy looking out for the good children that he had to hire some help to look out for the bad children. So he hired Pedro. And Santa Claus gave him a list with all the names of all the bad children, and Pedro would come every night to check them out. And the people, the little kids that were misbehaving, that were not saying their prayers, Pedro would leave a little wooden donkey on their windows. And he would come back and if the children were still misbehaving, he would take them away and nobody would ever see them again. Now, if I am Santa Claus and you are Pedro, how do you think jolly old Santa Claus would feel if one day Pedro came into his office and said, 'I lost the list.'? How F***ING FURIOUS do you think Santa Claus would get?!